Hosted document management service
Once your files have been scanned, OSS can also host them for you. There are many ways that we can securely deliver this service depending on your preferences and working practices. Below are the two main options that can then be tailored to your needs.
Web Site Retrieval
Through a secure web site with username and password you would access your files using your document management system. The digital images would be held by OSS on a secure server.
Virtual Server Retrieval
This is a fast growing and highly secure service that is being used by many high profile public bodies. There is no need for any software on your desktop. You access a virtual desktop via the internet where you can use the applications that have been added, like Microsoft office alongside your document management system.
This is extremely useful for satellite users as they can access their desktop from any computer in the world via the internet.
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Registered under the Data Protection Act 2018Registration Number Z2115224